As the calendar flips to 2024, it’s time for businesses in the Northwest Metro area of Minneapolis to embrace the new year with a fresh, clean start. CMT Janitorial, a trusted name in cleaning and servicing over 80 buildings per week, is here to ensure that your workspace is not just clean but also conducive to health, productivity, and a positive environment for everyone who walks through your doors.

Experience and Dedication at Every Corner

At CMT Janitorial, we understand that the cleanliness of your building reflects on your business. That’s why we take immense pride in our extremely low employee turnover, which stands out in an industry where high turnover is the norm. Our lead managers and cleaners, many of whom have been with us for over 15 years, are not just employees; they’re seasoned professionals who take pride in every sweep, wipe, and polish. This level of dedication and consistency ensures that you receive an excellent and reliable clean every time.

Consistency That Shines

The longevity of our staff isn’t just a point of pride; it’s your assurance of receiving a consistently high standard of clean. Our team knows your building and your preferences inside and out, allowing us to provide a personalized service that meets your exact needs. With CMT Janitorial, you’re not just another client; you’re part of a partnership that values your space as much as you do.

Trusted by Many, Surpassed by None

Our high client retention speaks volumes about the quality of our services. Many of our clients have been with CMT for more than a decade, a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing top-notch janitorial services. We’re proud to say that we’ve never lost a client due to service, a record that underscores our dedication to your satisfaction and trust.

A Clean Slate for 2024

As you make your resolutions for the new year, consider the impact a clean and well-maintained building can have on your business. A spotless environment not only enhances the professional image of your company but also contributes to the health and well-being of your employees and visitors. Let CMT Janitorial help you set the stage for success in 2024 with a workspace that shines from floor to ceiling.

Commitment Beyond Cleaning

Our commitment goes beyond just cleaning your space. We’re dedicated to building a lasting relationship with you, understanding your evolving needs, and adapting our services accordingly. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we’re committed to ensuring that your building reflects the quality and professionalism of your business.

Ring in the New Year with CMT Janitorial

Don’t let an unclean environment hold your business back as you step into 2024. Trust CMT Janitorial to provide a clean, healthy, and welcoming space for your employees and clients. With our experienced team, consistent service, and a track record of client satisfaction, we’re ready to help you bring in the new year with a spotless and revitalized building.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can make 2024 the cleanest and most successful year yet for your business. Here’s to a fresh start and a sparkling future with CMT Janitorial!